Terms of Service

1.Terms Agreement

Our team cumulatively thanks you for using ExpoHour. Our Terms of Service have been arranged to make you as a user well acquainted of your legal authorization and responsibilities with regards to your access and use of the ExpoHour website at expohour.com and any affiliated mobile or software applications, including but not limited to delivery of information via the website whether existing now or in the future that connects to the Terms which are applicable for all current and upcoming ExpoHour Users.

It is requested to all our users to kindly read and comprehend these Terms thoroughly. By accessing or using ExpoHour and its Services, you are providing your consent to these Terms and leading a legally binding contract with ExpoHour and/or its affiliates. Please note that you may not be able to use our Services if you do not undertake the Terms or are inadequate to be bound by the Terms. Your access or use of the ExpoHour Platform is at your own risk, involving the risk that you might be exposed to content that is objectionable or unsuitable.

If you wish to qualify for use of ExpoHour and its Services, you must first accept the Terms. You can accept the Terms by either clicking to accept or agree to the Terms enlisted by ExpoHour in the user interface for any particular Service or by simply using our Services. In such a situation, you adhere with and accept that ExpoHour will take your usage of our Services as an agreement to the Terms from that stage ahead.

Your connectivity with ExpoHour generates a responsibility to regularly check the Terms of Service and remain informed as well as aware about its new amendments. ExpoHour sustains the solitary authority of modifying the Terms of Service without advance agreement from you. If you continue to use ExpoHour and its Services succeeding such modification, it is considered as an approval by you to the revised Terms. Your continued use of the Website is governed upon your consent with the Terms of Service, including but not limited to compliance with the Terms of Service even after alterations, if any.


By using pronouns like “we/us” or “our”, we denote the website “ExpoHour”. Involving any revision that might be made, “Agreement” shall depict and relate to these Terms of Service. Using “you/user” points to you, as a user of the Services. A user is someone who accesses or avails the Services with the objective of sharing, showcasing, hosting, publishing, transacting, or uploading data or views or pictures and involves other people jointly participating in using the Services involving without limitation a user having access to ‘business page’ to manage claimed business listings or otherwise.

The term “Content” will involve reviews, images, photos, audio, video, location data, nearby places, and all other types of information or data. "Your content/User Content" refers to content that you upload, share or transfer, through or in link with the Services, such as likes, ratings, reviews, images, photos, messages, profile information, and any other thing that you publicly showcase or showcased in your ExpoHour Profile. "ExpoHour Content" refers to content that ExpoHour generates and provides in connection with its Services involving (but not bounded to), visual interfaces, interactive features, graphics, design, compilation, computer code, products, software, aggregate ratings, reports and other usage-related data in relevance with activities related with your account and all other factors and segments of the Services apart from (excluding) Your Content and Third Party Content. "Third Party Content" depicts content that comes from companies except from ExpoHour or its users and is accessible on the Services.

3.Suitability and Conditions to use ExpoHour

  1. You hereby represent and warrant that you are at least eighteen (18) years of age or above and are completely able and competent to understand and agree the terms, conditions, obligations, affirmations, representations, and warranties set forth in these Terms.

    You are in consent with all laws and regulations in the country in which you live when you access and use ExpoHour. You accept to use the Services only in conformity with these Terms and applicable law, and in a manner that does not violate our legal rights or those of any third party.

    We constantly aim towards positively evolving in order to deliver best-case experience and information for our users. You understand and accept that the type and nature of the Services which ExpoHour delivers, may need to create specific amendments in it. Hence, ExpoHour sustains the authority to suspend/cancel, or terminate any or all products or services at any time without notice, make revisions or alterations in any or all of its content, products and services held on the site without any advance notice.

    You understand and accept that in case if ExpoHour ceases access to your account, you may be stopped from using the Services, your account profile or other documents and content stored in your ExpoHour Account Profile.

    Please note that ExpoHour may not have set a maximum limit on the number of transmissions you can send or receive but ExpoHour might generate such unalterable upper limit at any time, at ExpoHour discretion. You may understand and accept this change.

    In consideration of any product, services or other facilities provided on ExpoHour Platform, we uphold the authority to charge a subscription and/or a membership payment from our user by providing justified advance notice anytime in future.

4.Amendment of ExpoHour Terms

ExpoHour may periodically decide to make changes in these Terms of Service by its own choice. Therefore, a user itself is liable to frequently check the Terms for staying updated with the latest revisions and ensure total agreement with our Terms. Your consent is directly taken towards these modifications if you continue to access or avail the services of ExpoHour and also that you accept to be bound by any such amendments Terms.

5.ExpoHour Clause

By accessing and taking use of ExpoHour and its Services, you accept the given clause: The Content on ExpoHour is for informational use only. ExpoHour rejects accountability for any data that may contain outdated, old or inaccurate information since the last time a specific content was updated. The portal of ExpoHour is simply a place where Users may act as Customers or Service Providers. ExpoHour is not connected or linked to any Service Contracts amongst Customers and Service Providers until mentioned otherwise. Furthermore, ExpoHour does not assures entry to the event by using some of its services like taking actions on call buttons like events to follow, attend, going. Please note that such buttons are only used as engagement tools to enhance the performance and interaction at ExpoHour. We give our best-case contribution to ensure that such actions are well addressed by the representations of events and businesses by transferring your requests to them but have no internal command over it. Additionally, ExpoHour retains the authority to do all sorts of amendments and modifications to any/all content present of our Website without advanced discretion. ExpoHour does not take accountability regarding the quality of information, its accuracy such as venue of an event, its dates, timings, entry costs or other such information. Until mentioned otherwise, all photos and other data present on our website is licensed to ExpoHour or has been taken from a third party under an agreement. It is requested to kindly mail a takedown appeal (by clicking on the “Contact Us” button on our home page) in case you are the copyright owner of any content on our website and feel that it infringes your copyright in any way. Kindly mention the specific link of the webpage while you initiate a request. All images displayed are digitized by ExpoHour and no other party is permitted to reproduce or republish these digital versions in any format whatsoever without the prior written authorization from ExpoHour.

6.User Services and its Applications

ExpoHour User Account Including ‘Claim Your Listing’ Access

Kindly remember that you as a user are solely accountable to maintain the safety and secrecy of the username and password of your ExpoHour Account Profile. All changes and modifications from your account, including all its activities will be deemed to be in your consent. It is required to create an account on our website in order to use some of the Services, including without limitation to ‘claim your business listing’ on the Services. Please note that the personal information you provide to us during the account creation process is governed by our Privacy Policy.

A user can also sign-up to use the Services by logging through a certain third party social networking platform like Facebook, Google etc. You confirm that you are the owner of the concerned social media account and that you are subjected to impart your social media login data with us. You permit us to gather your authentication information, and other data that may be accessible on or through your social media handle consistent with your applicable settings and instructions.

While signing-in for an account and/or claiming your business listing, you confirm to ExpoHour that all data given to us in this process is completely honest and precise and that you will revise your data to maintain accuracy. When you create an account or claim a business listing, you confirm to us that you are the owner or authorized agent of such business. You may not impersonate someone else, create or use an account for anyone other than yourself, provide an email address other than your own, create multiple accounts or business listings except as otherwise authorized by us, or provide or use false information to obtain access to a business’ listing on the Services that you are not legally entitled to claim. You understand that any incorrect authority of a business listing may cause ExpoHour or third party to suffer substantial economic damages and losses for which you may be held legally responsible.

You are also accountable for all activities that take place on your account. You agree to inform us instantly of any non-permitted use of your account in order to allow us to take required actions. You also accept that you will not permit any third party to use your ExpoHour account for any unauthorized use. You also allow us to send you notifications related to the updates and alerts through ExpoHour Platforms.

You accept to utilize the services offered by ExpoHour only for causes that are allowed by (a) the Terms and (b) any applicable law, regulation or generally accepted practices or guidelines in the relevant jurisdictions.

You agree to use the content possessed by ExpoHour (as accessible on our website) only for private use/purposes and not for commercial use (other than in relevance with ‘Claim Your Listing’ access) unless agreed to by/with ExpoHour in writing.

You accept to not approach (or attempt) any of the Services on ExpoHour by any method other than the interface that is provided by ExpoHour, until you have been specifically permitted to do so with a separate agreement with ExpoHour. You accept not to access (or attempt to access) any of the Services through any automated means (including use of scripts or web crawlers) and shall ensure that you comply with the instructions set out in any robots.txt file present on the Services.

You agree that you will not get involved in activities that disrupt the Services (or the servers and networks which are connected to the Services). You shall not delete or revise any material or information posted by any other User(s), shall not engage in spamming, including but not limited to any form of emailing, posting or messaging that is unsolicited.

ExpoHour Communication Updates and Notifications

You understand and accept that ExpoHour may send update notifications of alerts, event reminders via call, sms or email to its users. Additionally, you consent that ExpoHour may undertake one or more such carriers for its communication with you.

You validate that you are the account holder of the mobile phone number given to ExpoHour or that you retain the account holder's allowance to take use of the concerned number to obtain text messages regarding your registration and other updates from ExpoHour.

With every registration, ExpoHour may send text messages, emails, and do phone calls regarding your registration with us. Please note that the SMS and Data rates may apply.

You understand and accept that receiving of the calls, texts and emails is not fully guaranteed and with that, you as a user are accountable for on time reply. Additionally, you admit and agree that the reception of the calls, texts and emails is based on the operation of your mobile phone provider and/or on your data provider and/or the service of the mobile phone company with which you have an account or prepaid card. Please note that ExpoHour is not liable for any charges procured by you not picking a phone call, text or email on time or by the inadequate services of your mobile network, phone company and/or the data provider.

If you wish to drop out of getting any notifications, SMS, calls, emails from our end, this process can be achieved by simply visiting the website of ExpoHour. Additionally, to eliminate the messages from reaching your phone number, you may do so by sending a mail to [email protected] with your contact details.

7.Content and Proprietary Laws

ExpoHour is the solitary copyright owner of its Services and Content. Additionally, ExpoHour also retains copyrights, trademarks, service marks, logos, trade names, trade dress and other intellectual and proprietary rights throughout the world (the “IP Rights”) related with all the information and data on ExpoHour, which is protected by copyright, patent, trademark and other applicable intellectual property and proprietary rights and laws.

You understand that ExpoHour retains authentic content and has created, gathered, prepared, revised, selected, and arranged by it and others through the application of methods and standards of judgment developed and applied through the expenditure of substantial time, effort, and money and constitutes valuable intellectual property of us and such others. You accept that our Service may have data which might be stated as “restricted” by ExpoHour and that you shall not reveal such data without allowance from ExpoHour.

You accept to the proprietary rights of ExpoHour and the proprietary rights of all others having authorization in our Services while and post the term of this agreement and to comply with all rational written requests made by us or our suppliers and licensors of content or otherwise to protect their and others’ contractual, statutory, and common law rights in the Services. You acknowledge and agree that ExpoHour authorizes all lawful rights, title and interest of our Services, involving any IP Rights which subsist in the Services (whether those rights happen to be registered or not, and wherever in the world those rights may exist). Unless you have agreed otherwise in writing with ExpoHour, nothing in the Terms gives you a right to use any of the ExpoHour trade names, trademarks, service marks, logos, domain names, and other distinctive brand features.

You accept not to use any framing techniques to enclose any trademark or logo or other proprietary data of ExpoHour; or delete, hide or obliterate any copyright or other proprietary notice or source identifier, including without limitation, the size, color, location or style of any proprietary mark(s). Any violation will lead towards a lawful action against you in court under relevant laws of the country. You cannot update, recreate, publicly showcase or deteriorate in any form or manner whatsoever any of the ExpoHour Content neither in whole nor in parts.

Under allowance of the applicable law, we neither warrant nor represent that your utilization of materials presented on our website will not violate rights of third parties not owned by or affiliated with us. You accept to instantly inform ExpoHour on getting aware of any claim that the Services violate upon any copyright trademark, or other contractual, intellectual, statutory, or common law rights.

Accessibility to User Content By ExpoHour

On providing your Content Data to ExpoHour, to allow us a world-wide, non-exclusive, royalty-free, sub-licensable, perpetual, irrevocable, and transferable allowance and authority to use Your Content. This also involves content data shared by any business user with an access to an event page or business listings. By “use” it means that ExpoHour gains the authority to use, copy, reserve, showcase, revise, reformat, transfer, incorporate in promotional ads, generate derivative works, and in the case of third party services, allow their users and others to do the same. Additionally, you also allow us to use the name or username that you provide while signing-up for your ExpoHour Account. You irrevocably waive, and cause to be waived, any claims and assertions of moral rights or attribution with respect to your content brought against ExpoHour or its Users, any third party services and their users.

Credibility of User Content

User Content is required to be honest and liable and should not infringe laws. By uploading content on ExpoHour, you assure that it is completely authentic and you are the sole author of it, or otherwise your content should be provided explicit permission from the rights holder before submitting your content. It is necessary to ensure that your content is not a copied form or structured in whole or in parts of any other content, work, or website. Additionally, a user content should also not be generated from any automated process such as a script bot. Use of Your Content by ExpoHour, third party services, and our and any such users will not violate any rights of yours or any third party service provider. If you post a review content, you showcase and ensure that you are the solitary author of that review and it displays an actual dining experience that you had. Along with that, it should also state that you were not paid or otherwise remunerated in connection with your authoring or posting of the review and you had no financial, competitive, or other personal incentive to author or post a review that was not a fair expression of your honest opinion.

You acknowledge all risks related to your content, including anyone's reliance on its credibility, precision, reliability, or any disclosure by you of information in your content that makes you personally identifiable. While we retain the right to remove your content, we do not govern the actions or content posted by our users and do not guarantee the precision, integrity or quality of their content. You understand and accept that ExpoHour is not accountable for content posted by users and any and all liability arising from such content is the solitary liability of the user itself.

Termination of Content

ExpoHour upholds the right to terminate,delete, block or disable access to any user content without providing any advance notice. This can be done against anything which is found offensive, objectionable, disrespectful or regarding information which infringes the Terms of Service. Henceforth, in such cases, ExpoHour is not liable to return your content under any situation. In addition to this, any kind of review which is defaming, hateful or in infringement of our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy will also be taken down at our solitary discretion.

Norms based on Third Party Content

You acknowledge and agree that ExpoHour is not responsible for the availability of any such external sites or resources, and does not endorse any advertising, products or other materials on or available from such web sites or resources.

ExpoHour Users should acknowledge that the use of any third-party services linked with ExpoHour is formulated by their own Terms and Privacy Policy and that We are not liable, have no control and make no representation or endorsement towards the precision, relevancy, authenticity, legality, completeness, timeliness or quality of any product, services, advertisements and other content appearing in or linked to from the Services. This is as some of the Services available on our Website might involve or link to data that is owned by other third parties, such as third party hotel reservation services, event badging or ticketing. We may obtain business addresses, phone numbers, and other contact information from third party vendors who obtain their data from public sources.

Please note that ExpoHour does not scrutinizes third party content before adding it to its Services. ExpoHour retains the solitary authority to make amendments and rectify errors in the content available on our website without providing any prior notice. If required, ExpoHour might in its sole discretion and without any obligation, examine updates, make revisions or changes to any content on the website but shall not be liable for any delay or inaccuracies related to such updates.

ExpoHour also declares that any third party content, involving content from its users, does not reflect our views or of our parent company, subsidiary, affiliate companies, branches, employees, officers, directors, or shareholders.Additionally, the content provided by third party services or users is not certified by the providers or licensors of such third party content. We take no accountability for any of our user content or any third party content.

You understand and accept that ExpoHour is not credible to pay for for any loss or damage which may be incurred by you as a result of the availability of those external sites or resources, or as a consequence of any reliance placed by you on the completeness, precision or existence of any advertising, products or other materials on, or available from, such websites or resourc.

User Reviews on ExpoHour

We are a neutral platform and we don’t arbitrate disputes, however.

The views or beliefs of ExpoHour are not showcased or based upon its user reviews, events or venues solely, as ExpoHour gets various reviews and ratings which solely reflect the personal opinion of the user. ExpoHour is a linking bridge which connects users with event organizers/owners, venue owners and businesses. The ads posted on the ExpoHour platform are independent of the reviews received by such advertisers. In light of not entertaining disputes, in case if a user writes a review that the concerned person/company does not depict to be true, the best option for the representative would be to contact the reviewer or post a public response in order to clear up any misunderstandings. However, if the representative believes that any particular user’s review violates any of the ExpoHour policies, the representative may write to us at [email protected] and bring such infringement to our attention so that we could review and remove in case of violation of our Terms or guidelines.

8.Privacy Policy and Regulations

You agree that you have read, acknowledged and accepted to our Privacy Policy. Please note that we may reveal your data to third parties or government authorities if we discover that such a disclosure is important to -

  1. 1. Take legal proceeding regarding suspected illegal activities
    2. Enforce or apply our Terms and Privacy Policy
    3. To coordinate with legal process or other government inquiry, such as a search warrant, statute, judicial proceeding, or other legal process/notice served on us
    4. Safeguard our rights, reputation, and property, or that of our users, affiliates, or the general public.

9.Usage Limitations

You completely accept to not upload or transfer any content or review without binding to the grounds of these Terms while accessing or using our Services or engage in any activity that, in our sole discretion:

  1. 1. Infringes our Terms, Regulations, Guidelines and Policies
    2. Is dangerous, intimidating, abusive, torturing, defaming, indecent, discriminatory, vulgar, profane, obscene, libelous, hateful or otherwise objectionable, invasive of another’s privacy, relating or encouraging money laundering or gambling
    3. Pertaining a duplicate review or does not address the right information about the concerned business
    4. Upholds content that infringes the standards of our website
    5. Breaches any third-party right, involving, but not limited to the right of privacy, right of publicity, copyright, trademark, patent, trade secret, or any other intellectual property or proprietary rights;
    6. Blaming other for illegal activity or physical confrontations
    7. Is illegal, or violates any federal, state, or local law or regulation
    8. Tries to impersonate another person or entity
    9. Attempts to copy the origin of someone’s content, involving but not limited to submitting content under a false name or disguising or attempting to disguise the IP address from which the data is uploaded
    10. Is commercial in nature, involving spam, surveys, contests, pyramid schemes, postings or reviews submitted or removed in exchange for payment, postings or reviews submitted or removed by or at the request of the business being reviewed, or other advertising materials
    11. Showcases that your content is sponsored by ExpoHour
    12. Content that is not in English
    13. Falsely claims, misrepresents, or hides your link with another person or entity
    14. Usage of another users account without permission
    15. Spreads corrupted documents, files or computer viruses or limit the functionality of any computer software or hardware or electronic communications equipment
    16. Interferes with, disrupts, or destroys the functionality or use of any features of the Services or the servers or networks connected to the Services;
    17. Using or opening proprietary or confidential records, records of another user, or those of anyone else
    18. Violates any contract or fiduciary relationship (for example, by disclosing proprietary or confidential information of your employer or client in breach of any employment, consulting, or non-disclosure agreement)
    19. Decompiles, reverse engineers, disassembles or otherwise attempts to derive source code from the Services Obstructing with security-related features, or services that put limitations on its usage
    20. Violates the restrictions in any robot exclusion headers on the Services, if any, or bypasses or circumvents other measures employed to prevent or limit access to the Services;
    21. Gathering or opening personal data about other users of ExpoHour
    22. Find out as uploaded a bot
    23. Harms under-age children in any way
    24. Jeopardizes the unity, integrity, defense, security or sovereignty of India or of the country of use, friendly relations with foreign states, or public order or causes incitement to the commission of any cognizable offence or prevents investigation of any offence or is insulting any other nation
    25. Revises, duplicates, scrapes or crawls, showcases, uploads, licenses, sells, rents, leases, lends, transmits or otherwise commercialize any rights to the Services or Our Content; or
    26. Trial of any of the preceding.
    27. Constitutes a form of deceptive advertisement or causes, or is a result of, a conflict of interest

Apart from reviewing user content for enhancing our Services by limiting frauds, risk possibilities and for customer support improvement, ExpoHour does not intendes to monitor or access the user activities. This is done to assure coordination with the Terms and to comply with applicable law or the order or requirement of legal process, a court, consent decree, administrative agency or other governmental body.

You accept that ExpoHour Services are to be used for legal purposes only and that you will not infringe laws, guidelines or other such necessities of any applicable Central, Federal State or local government or international law(s). You should not upload, post, email, transmit or otherwise make available any unsolicited or unauthorized advertising, promotional materials, junk mail, spam mail, chain letters or any other form of solicitation, encumber or suffer to exist any lien or security interest on the subject matter of these Terms or to make any representation or warranty on behalf of ExpoHour in any manner.

Any objectionable content uploaded by you is subjected to investigation under lawful proceedings as per relevant laws of India. Additionally, ExpoHour reserves the authority of terminating or blocking your account and/or removing your content/comment/review in a circumstance where you are found to be noncompliant with the laws and regulations.

10. User Feedback

If you provide feedback or upload innovations, suggestions, revisions or files related to ExpoHour Services, you agree that -

  1. 1.Your feedback does not have any restricted, secretive or proprietary information of third parties
    2. ExpoHour is under no liability of its secrecy and shall be unbound to use the Feedback on an unrestricted basis
    3. We may have received similar Feedback from some other user or it may be under consideration or in development
    4. You give us a binding, non-exclusive, royalty-free, perpetual, global license to use, modify, develop, publish, distribute and sublicense the Feedback, and you irrevocably waive, against ExpoHour and its users any claims/assertions, whatsoever of any nature, with regard to such Feedback.

It is requested to all ExpoHour users to upload only relevant feedback on existing products or marketing strategies and do not involve unpermitted content and original creative artwork ideas.

It is requested to all ExpoHour users to upload only relevant feedback on existing products or marketing strategies and do not involve unpermitted content and original creative artwork ideas.

The motive of this request is to avoid any dispute or misunderstandings related to ExpoHour and its Services as considering the possibilities, the future campaigns of ExpoHour might seem similar to that suggested by you. You shall not provide unsolicited ideas, including ideas for new advertising campaigns, new promotions, new or improved products or technologies, product enhancements, processes, materials, marketing plans or new product names. If, despite our request to not send us your ideas, you still submit them, then regardless of what your letter says, the given terms shall apply to your Submissions.

Original Idea Submission

  1. 1.The ideas or artwork or any other form of content will directly become an asset on ExpoHour without giving/paying any compensation
    2. We can utilize or transfer your content in any manner
    3. ExpoHour is not bound to verify/review your response
    4. There is no limitation for keeping the content secretive


ExpoHour has a few Services which are backed by advertisement revenue and displays ads and promotions. Such ads might be directed towards the data, queries and details related to the concerned Services. We might change the way, method and other things of advertising content without any obligation of providing a prior notice. On using our Services, you agree that ExpoHour may place such advertising on its Website.

The content provided by third party companies or other advertisers may be displayed on part of the ExpoHour Website. Role for making sure that content provided for addition on the ExpoHour website is applicable with international and national law is exclusively on the party providing the information/material.

Your agreement or business plans with, or involvement in marketing of, advertisers other than ExpoHour found on or through our platform, including payment and delivery of related goods or services, and any other terms, conditions, warranties or representations associated with such dealings, shall be solely between you and such advertiser. ExpoHour is not accountable for any error or inaccuracy in advertising content and any damages or losses incurred as a consequence of any such false information/data.

Renunciation of Warranties, Liabilities and Compensation

Disclaimer of Warranties and Liabilities

You understand and accept that under the allowance of appropriate laws, ExpoHour, along with its all affiliates and Employees, Branches, Subsidiaries and Licensors disclaims and DO NOT provides guarantee for -

  1. 1. Property damage, self injury and/or any such harm inflicted from the use of our services.
    2. Transfer of viruses, bugs or other infective agents through the operation of any third party Services or on access of any Content and Facilities available on ExpoHour
    3. Inaccuracy, Omission, Error in any Content or Loss of your data on accessing/using our Services
    4. The quality or precision of Content, fulfillment of the Services, efficiency of the skills on its Services and Content.
    5. Your communication, deals or transactions with any of the third party Service providers or other ExpoHour users. Any accidental, consequential, indirect, special and any other kind of such damage is entirely under your own discretion and liability. This includes but is not limited to the loss of goodwill, data, money, profit.
    6. Unless stated in our TERMS, no instruction, advice or knowledge picked by you from the access or use of our Services is guaranteed or assured by ExpoHour.
    7. Failure in maintaining secrecy of your Account Password and other Details
    8. Theft of any personal data due to unallowed access or use of restricted services
    9. Errors or Termination of Services while channelling or transmitting data to and from ExpoHour

Additionally, you acknowledge to not develop any misunderstandings or create scepticism about the Ownership or anything else related to us and/or other Organizations by using ExpoHour’s Logo, Company Name, Trade Mark, Service Mark unless you have been lawfully permitted by ExpoHour in writing.

ExpoHour’s debtedness in all cases and times to you on taking any cause of action against ExpoHour will be limited to FIFTY INDIAN RUPEES (INR. 50), until stated otherwise in a written contract provided to you by ExpoHour.

However, there are a few administrations in some countries which do not permit the disclaimer or debarring of special, direct and indirect, accidental and any other Loss and until when you are a consumer, these restrictions or disclaimers may not apply to you.


We will use reasonable efforts to notify you of any such claim, action or proceeding upon becoming aware of it. As an ExpoHour User, you understand and assure to compensate, safeguard and hold us unobjectionable in a circumstance of any damage, action, liability, litigation and/or other such losses imposed on ExpoHour due to the following reasons - 1. Your infringement of Rights, Terms and Privacy Policy of any third party Company or their Services. 2. Your Content, access and usage of our Services. 3. Unallowed access to our restricted Services or Facilities

ExpoHour will inform you about such an action or litigation upon knowing it. You acknowledge and agree to not indulge and settle claims which prove ExpoHour as accuses or for which you have repayment liabilities without our advance written approval. Thus, ExpoHour retains the authority to assume your support and work towards settling or compensating any such declaration made against ExpoHour at your expense without any advance notice which will later need to be reimbursed by you.

13. Cessation of your Account

ExpoHour retains the right to cease or terminate your access to our Website and its Services without giving any prior notice to you in case if you are found misusing our Features and/or Services or found infringing our Privacy Policy and/or Terms of Service under any condition and we will not be accountable to you or other third parties for such cessation of your account. We may also keep back all the information/content gathered from your Account in a circumstance of law infringement. In case if you wish to remove your account from ExpoHour, you can get in touch with us by clicking on the “Contact Us” button on the bottom of any page of our website or mail your request to our team on [email protected].

14. General terms

Evaluation - The heading used in our Terms of Service is to generate better understanding and relevancy with the Content and are not supposed to be used to signify any provisions.

Agreement Terms and its Refusal - Our “Privacy Policy” and “Terms of Service” collectively form an agreement amongst You and ExpoHour. Please note that any form of timely hindrance in implementing any action or authority under our Terms of Service shall work as a refusal of such authority of any form of the Terms. Additionally, any biased activity by either party of authority or strength cannot prohibit further movement or action from us of that right or of any other rights

Divisibility of Terms - ExpoHour takes accountability and ensures that if any clause or specification under our Terms of Service is declared inoperative, unlicensed or is disabled by a judicial court, we will work on discontinuing that clause from our Terms and the rest of the Terms will continue in full effect.

Association - You acknowledge and agree that you do not retain any rights or authority or bound ExpoHour in any manner. Additionally, none of the clauses of our Terms of Service will cease to generate an association between ExpoHour and you.

Ruled Laws and Refusal - Our Terms of Service are ruled under the Laws of India with the jurisdiction under the Courts of law at Jaipur on any disagreement regarding the same. Please note that you are required to raise a lawful action within 1 month from the occurrence of the damage. Non-fulfilment of the same will result in refusal of any such actions or claims related to the same issue.

Association our Website - Before associating our Services to any third party website or Services, you may accept and assure that you will not connect ExpoHour and its Services with any portal involving but not limited to an unlawful, defaming, contravening, vulgar data, content and information. If done so, ExpoHour retains the authority to instantly cease your access and use of our Services.

Grievance Officer

In case if you feel and injustice or unfairness on the end of ExpoHour, you can get in touch with our Grievance Officer using the Contact Details - Mr. Shrey Kaushik, Email ID: [email protected]

16. Notice of copyright infringement and grievance redressal mechanism

ExpoHour respects the Ownership Rights of other companies and their services and requests its users to follow the same. However, we are not accountable for copyright issues generated by the content posted or uploaded on our website by our users or any third party. ExpoHour retains the right to disable or cease any such data/content from its website. Additionally, ExpoHour also has the authority to discontinue such links to an inappropriate online location without any prior notice. Kindly inform ExpoHour by following the given process if you discover that any of your copyright content is being presented on ExpoHour -

Verify and mention adequate details/information to identify the copyright content or data on ExpoHour in writing. Add the given statements: "I hold on to the faith that the utilization of the data on ExpoHour as explained above has not been permitted by the copyright owner” and "I vow under penalty of perjury that the data in my observation is correct and I myself am the copyright owner or I am permitted to act on the copyright owner's behalf".

Add your address, contact number and email id along with your signature and send it to:


32, Nandpuri Colony, Hawa Sadak

Civil Lines, Jaipur, Rajasthan (302019)
